Canada Past and Present: A Citizenship Education Guide
THE ROAD TO RIGHTS TIMELINES Match these events with the year in which you think they occurred. Check your answers using the answer key and change your answers if you need to. A. The Road to Rights for LGBTQ2+ Canadians Sex between men became legal in Canada. The first major LGBTQ2+ protests happened in Vancouver and Ottawa. The Immigration Act , which allowed gay men to immigrate to Canada for the first time came into effect. The Canadian government made a law against discrimination on the basis of gender identity. The penalty for sex between men was reduced from death to ten years to life in prison. Same-sex marriage was allowed in Ontario and British Columbia. The Canadian government made marriage between same-sex couples legal everywhere in Canada. Many provinces made laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. B. The Road to Rights for Canadians with Disabilities Governments cut spending for people with disabilities and for community services. The federal government created new offices for disability issues because of the UN Declaration. Many groups involving parents and families of disabled children created community organizations for people with disabilities. The United Nations created the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons. Thousands of soldiers returned from the First World War with disabilities. Many organizations were created to help them. Many soldiers returned from the Second World War with disabilities, and the government gave them a lot of support. People with disabilities created their own groups to fight for their rights, including the Council of Canadians with Disabilities. 1969 Late 1980s 1861 1978 2017 2003 2005 1971 Late 1970s 1950s-1960s 1970s 1918-1920s 1975 Late 1940s 1990s 17.
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