How to Make an Oral History Podcast

Begin by discussing your favourite aspects from the Memory Project speakers’ interview(s) as a class. 1. Have a class discussion where you and your classmates can share personal reflections on the interviews you conducted with your assigned veteran(s). 2. On your own, consider the following: • How has the speaker changed your view of military service and Canadian military history? • Did you learn anything new from the speaker? • Do you want to thank them for something specific they did during their service? 3. Individually, write your speaker a letter to thank them for participating in the interview, and share with them what you learned, what you appreciate about their story or service, or what lessons you’ve taken away from the interview. 4. Feel free to share your letters and emails with the Memory Project! We will forward them to the speaker. Contact us at: Historica Canada Attn: The Memory Project 10 Adelaide St East, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5C 1J3 Canada Activity 5: Thank Your Speaker How to Make an Oral History Podcast A Memory Project Resource Kit Teacher Tip: Don’t forget to share the final podcast episodes with the speakers! 12