Voices From Here

4. On May 28, 2018, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley offered an apology to Sixties Scoop Survivors, their families, and communities in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. I’d like to begin by acknowledging that we are gathered here today on the traditional territory of Treaty 6, and I’d also like to acknowledge the Métis people of Alberta who share a very deep connection with this land. I rise today in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. Before we begin, I’d like us all to take a moment and just look up. When we speak about colonialism and its vestiges, when we speak about the need for truth and reconciliation here in Alberta and across Canada, when we speak about healing, we must remember always that we speak about people. Above us today are survivors of the Sixties Scoop: women and men, children and grandchildren, parents and grandparents, all of them survivors. As we speak today in their presence, we are mindful that their presence carries with it also a terrible absence; parents lost; children taken; families destroyed; cultures shamed, ignored, and forgotten; by force, a proud way of life taken away. The decisions that led to that personal trauma: many of those decisions, Mr. Speaker, were made right here on this floor in this Chamber. The Government of Alberta owes these people an apology, and today that’s what we are here to do. But for that apology to have the meaning that these women and men deserve, these women and men deserve to know that their experiences were heard and are heard and are understood as best we can. These women and men deserve to know that we stand here today looking up at them not only with hearts of reconciliation but with eyes that see the wrongs of the past as clearly as we can. So before we can offer our apology, please allow me to speak to the work done to make this apology meaningful for these brave women and men, because they deserve nothing less. The Sixties Scoop is the colloquial name for the government practices perpetuated in Alberta and across Canada from the 1950s to the 1980s. Indigenous children were taken from their birth families, from their communities, put in non-Indigenous homes, without meaningful steps, in some cases without any steps at all, to preserve their culture, their identity, their relationship with their community, and, even most importantly, with their family. To speak of the Sixties Scoop in these terms is to speak merely of the broadest and the most impersonal strokes. To appreciate the trauma these women and men lived through, we need to hear it from them in their voices, and that’s what we set out to do. Over 800 courageous survivors of the Sixties Scoop shared with us their heartbreaking experiences, and I want to thank each and every person who participated in that. All of you who came forward and shared your experiences did so with courage beyond measure. You didn’t just share the trauma of what was done to you; you spoke truth to power. You spoke truth to the same power, the same institution, and the government that inflicted this trauma on you in the first place. So to all of you, thank you. The stories that you, the survivors, shared with us are heartbreaking. These stories transcend generations: children – kids, babies, toddlers, teens – ripped from your families; parents unable to see through the tears as they took your children away from you; grandparents forced aside as your families were destroyed. We heard stories of how you were lied to and told that your families didn’t want you or couldn’t care for you. We heard how many of you were never told where your children had gone, where your parents had gone, where your brothers or sisters had gone. Many of you were placed into foster care, with no linkages to your culture, bounced from home to home, place to place, with no stability or sense of who you are and the proud place that you came from. We also heard clearly that some of those foster homes were also not safe. Many of you faced terrible abuse – physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental and emotional abuse – forced labour, starvation, and neglect. A survivor shared this quote with us, and I want to share it today because I believe it reveals the horror and the tragedy of what was done to these children. That person said: “I was abused in every home. The worst part was that we actually had a family that loved us.” Many of you shared that even as children you contemplated suicide. Those feelings were often compounded by the isolation that you experienced. When you were placed in non-Indigenous homes and communities, the dominance of colonial thinking meant that you regularly faced racism and discrimination. Some of you were forbidden to speak your own language, forced instead to speak English or French. Many of you were not allowed to honour or express your culture.