Korean War Resource Kit

IN THE SKY - AIR FORCE Mort Lightstone Eric George Smith Thomas Charchuk BATTLE OF KAPYONG Canadian troops fought at the Battle of Kapyong, which began when Communist forces launched a major offensive on 22 April. The battle was composed of Australian and Canadian forces on one side, protecting a withdrawing ROK force. The other side was composed largely of Chinese forces. For two days and through the night, a battalion of roughly 700 Canadian troops (2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry) defended a crucial hill against a force of about 5,000 Chinese soldiers. The Canadians held their position until the attacking force had been halted and the Canadians could be relieved. For more information on this battle, see this article on The Canadian Encyclopedia. Gwylym White Harley Welsh David Crook 22-25 APRIL 1951 5 MAJOR BATTLES